Evrona Observation Point and Flamingos

Evrona Observation Point and Flamingos

A family tour that combines driving in a private vehicle, stopping for observations and short walks.

Evrona is mentioned in the Bible as one of the stations that the Israelites stopped at on their long journey in the wilderness. “They journeyed from Jotbathah (Yotvata) and camped at Abronah (Evrona). They journeyed from Abronah (Evrona) and camped at Ezion-Geber (Eztion- Gaver). ” (Numbers 33: 34-35).

Drive along the Arava road to the settlement of Be’er Ora, turn west and after 200 meters turn south along an easy dirt track road to the observation point.

The Israel Nature and Parks Authority built the Evrona Observation Point in cooperation with the Israel Special Forces unit “Sayeret Matkal”. The observation point was erected in memory of Yael Miller and Nahum Lev who were killed in a motorcycle accident, near the observation post. The path leading to the observation point is easily accessible and was constructed by KKL-JNF.

The observation point is shaded with signs indicating the Evrona Saltwater Lakes,  the Edom mountains in Jordan and Mount Amram, which is notable for its dark color. If you have a keen eye, you will be able to see the deer running in the valley.

From here return to the Arava and Nadarim road (turn right) to the Shechoret industrial zone, U-turn north and drive approximately 26 km, and turn east (left) at the sign “Be’erot Sharsheret”.

Descend to the white unpaved track approximately 2 kilometers to the east with the black path markings and turn south.

After approximately half a kilometer, you will reach the second stop on your trip – Be’er Evrona. Be’er is part of the “chain wells” connected by means of underground passageways. A flock of friendly, laughing thrush birds lives in Be’er Evrona.

Continue southbound approximately three kilometers to the “Doum Palms”   a group of rare and impressive Egyptian palm trees. This is the most northerly point in the world where this species of palm trees grows. They are more commonly found in Sudan and the tropical regions of Africa.

Continue driving along the red marked trail to the evaporation ponds that are used to produce salt from the waters of the Red Sea. These pools attract hundreds of thousands of migratory birds during the migration seasons. About one million birds pass through this area to “refuel” on their long flight from one continent to another, in the spring on their way to nest in Europe and in autumn to return to the hot climate in Africa.

One of the birds that has chosen to make the ponds its home is the flamingo – a relatively large bird that stands out with its pink colourations. The flamingo class the evaporation ponds as their home, where they are able to find all their needs. The flamingos feed on “sea monkeys” otherwise known as Eilat Artemia. These organisms are rich in beta-carotene, which causes the pink colouration in the flamingos’ wings.

At the end of the trip, we will return to the Arava road and drive to the Spice Way Farm, where you can learn more about the “sea monkeys” and enjoy a tasty cup of herbal tea.

Accessibility: Accessible